How To Check Number Of Pages Printed By Canon Printer? Explained

Canon printers print pages continuously, so it’s easy to tell how many pages have been printed. To check the number of pages printed, press “Menu” and select “Print Setup.” Look under the heading “Printing Status” and see how many pages have been printed.

How Do I Know How Many Pages Are Printed by a Canon Printer?

Canon printers give you a few different ways to check the total number of printed pages. While the exact steps might differ, a bit depending on your printer model, the general methods are pretty similar. Here’s how you can do it:

Using the Printer’s Operation Panel:

Most Canon printers have a display screen with a menu you can navigate.

Go to the settings or status menu.

Look for an option that says “Page Count” or “Print Count.”

The display will show you the total number of pages printed.

Printing a Status Page:

Many Canon printers can print a status page that includes a lot of details about the printer, including the page count.

Use the printer menu on the operation panel.

Find an option like “Print Status Page” or “Configuration Page.”

Print this page, and you’ll see the total number of pages printed.

Using Printer Software or Web Interface:

Canon printers often come with software you can install on your computer.

Open the Canon printer software and go to the maintenance or status section.

Look for the page count information.

If your printer is connected to your network, you can also access it through a web browser by entering the printer’s IP address.

Log in and check the printer status or information section for the page count.

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How Do I See How Many Pages a Printer Has Printed?

To see the number of pages your Canon printer has printed, you can choose the method that works best for you:

Method 1: Using the Operation Panel

Access the Menu:

Press the “Menu” button on the printer’s operation panel.

Use the arrow keys to navigate through the menu options.

Find the Page Count Option:

Look for a section labeled “Information,” “Settings,” or “Reports.”

Select this section and navigate to “Page Count” or a similar option.

View the Page Count:

The display will show the total number of pages printed by the printer.

Method 2: Printing a Status Page

Navigate to the Print Report Option:

Access the printer’s menu from the operation panel.

Look for an option like “Print Reports,” “Print Status,” or “Configuration.”

Print the Status Page:

Select the option to print the status or configuration page.

The printed page will include the total number of pages printed, along with other useful information about the printer.

Method 3: Using the Canon Printer Software

Open the Printer Software:

Launch the Canon printer software on your computer.

This software is typically installed along with your printer driver.

Navigate to the Maintenance Section:

Look for a section labeled “Maintenance,” “Status,” or “Information.”

Find the Page Count Information:

The software should display the total number of pages printed by the printer.

Method 4: Accessing the Web Interface

Find the Printer’s IP Address:

You can usually find the IP address on the printer’s display under the network settings or by printing a network configuration page.

Enter the IP Address in a Web Browser:

Type the IP address into the address bar of a web browser and press Enter.

This will take you to the printer’s web interface.

Log In and View Printer Information:

Enter the required login credentials (check the printer manual for default username and password if you haven’t changed them).

Navigate to the section displaying printer status or information to find the page count.

Verify Page Count from the Operation Panel

To verify the page count directly from the operation panel of your Canon printer, follow these detailed steps:

Turn on the Printer:

Ensure your Canon printer is turned on and ready.

Access the Menu:

Press the “Menu” button on the operation panel.

Use the navigation keys to scroll through the menu options.

Locate the Information Section:

Find a section labeled “System Information,” “Device Information,” or “Maintenance.”

This section usually contains detailed information about the printer’s usage.

Select Page Count:

Within the information section, look for “Page Count,” “Print Count,” or a similar term.

Select this option to view the total number of pages printed.

Verify the Page Count:

The page count will be displayed on the screen.

You can cross-check this number with any previous records or reports you have to verify its accuracy.


Knowing how to check the number of pages printed by your Canon printer is a handy skill for keeping your printer in top shape. Whether you use the operation panel, print a status page, use printer software, or access the web interface, these methods will help you stay on top of your printer’s usage. Regularly checking the page count can help you keep your printer running smoothly, plan for maintenance, and manage your printing costs effectively.

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